Sunday, January 02, 2005

Taj Mahal

An architectural marvel, epitome of love - the Taj Mahal has a questionable history.

The claim of it being built by Shah Jahan is questioned by Professor P.N. Oak who puts forward some facts including one of carbon-dating a peice of wooden door from the marble building.

The epitome of love was built by the king who was cruel enough to cut off the hands ofthe workers after the completion of the Taj Mahal so that no one would ever be able to build such a marvelous monument again.

“Until the lions have their own historians, tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” --African Proverb

Lets just admire the beautiful architectural marvel for what it is and not try to glorify it as anything like "The World's Greatest Love Story ". And to give credit where it is due: History books say the cheif architect of Taj Mahal was Isa Khan.

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